Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Labor Free!

Alas, Labor Day has arrived. Yesterday, to be exact. And how wonderful it was, not to labor! In fact, I had a wonderfully (if not extremely unusual) labor-free weekend. Did I do anything practical with it, like say clean the apartment, or organize my closet so that my summer stuff is now hiding at the back? Nope. Nothing like that. And it was good. Rob and I went to the Toledo Zoo on Saturday (see pictures). We had a good time. We saw lots of cool critters, real live dragons (yes, they do exist!), and I didn't even sunburn! Sunday was a lazy day... we ran a few errands, picked up some cds on sale at Circuit City, nothing much. Monday we went and saw Brother's Grimm and Transporter 2 with my parents. Oh the joy of going to the movies with my mother. Why on earth would Rob and I subject ourselves to voluntarily spending time with my mother, especially when it involves something time-sensitive (as in if you're not to the movie on time, you're going to miss it and Kathleen Finegold has yet to be on time for anything). Well, Rob and I had passes and my parents had passes and my dad doesn't ever leave the house. It was in effort to spend a nice day and get my father out of the house so he can enjoy himself, for a little while at least. Well, they were late (big surprise). My dad was mad (even bigger surprise). But, in the end, we all enjoyed the movies. Which was the important part, right? Brother's Grimm was fun! Heath Ledger, who I'm not normally a fan of, is adorable with short hair and glasses. Gots to love the nerd boys! We enjoyed seeing the way the fairy tales were weaved into the story. Not a classic, but worthy of being added to swashbuckling eye candy dvd shelf! (1)Transporter 2 was all action, little plot. Who needs plot, though? The whole point of the movie is to watch Frank (actor Jason Statham) kick lots of ass. Job well accomplished. After the movies, Rob and I buzzed across the street Kohl's and bought these funky lounging, rocking chairs. No way to descibe them. You'll just have to see them (or sit in them) in person. They unusually comfortable! Now we must make room for them... hmmmmm.... So, the labor must begin after all.

(1) I should note here that the "swashbuckling eye candy dvd shelf" is brought to you courtesy Mel. Titles that are included in such collection include: Pirates of the Carribean, The Mummy, National Treasure (not for Nick Cage, but for his adorable sidekick), Indiana Jones... ok, well you get the idea.


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