Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Spring!

So, the official day of the start of Spring has come and past. And you really wouldn't know it. Yes, the weather is warming up a bit, but still... it's cold, there's still snow on the ground, and very little green. Though today Mel and her roomie Shannon and I all went over to the nature preserve on Ford Lake and walked around, and took pictures, and spotted little signs of spring: mallards courtship dancing, bits of grass peeking through, swamp cabbage flowers blooming, native onions sprouting, and buds starting to show on the willows. Though it was a dreary day, it was nice to know that Spring is slowly on her way. I had fun shooting -- I went through 2 1/2 rolls of film! It was nice to shoot film. I've been doing so much digital lately. We'll see how the pics come out tomorrow.... A couple of swans got nice and close and one was even posing for us! I think they were hoping for food. Next time, I'll have to remember to bring a couple of pieces of bread. We had a nice walk. It was good to get outside and get some exercise after being cooped up all winter. Now Rob and I are about to sit down to a dinner of Chinese food and watch The Manchurian Candidate. Hope the rest of you had a wonderful Spring Equinox, happy Purim, and good Easter days!


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