Sunday, August 07, 2005

Highland Games and such

Yesterday Rob and I met up with Tammy and Tom for breakfast at Ihop before heading of to the 156th Annual Highland Games. Where, not ten minutes into being there, we lost Tammy and Tom. Rob and I stopped to look and kilts and we turn around and they're gone! I think we kept missing each other, too! Sounds like we are the same places, either right after one another or just sitting in different places. All in all, we had a good time. Saw some giant Scotsmen throw big, heavy objects. Heard a couple of good bands. And Rob got his Irn-Bru. It's, ummm, interesting. Yup, that's the word for it. After the Games, Rob and I went over to their house and watched the DVD Tammy made for us for our wedding. She did an awesome job! :-) And Rob and I are so burnt. You'd think pale-girl here would learn, but noooooooooooo! And now she's red. Hooray for aloe with tea tree extract and lidocane!

Well, I have to be off and get ready for work. Today is going to be a looooooong day. I'm helping out with inventory at my old store. Golly-Gee-Gosh, isn't that exiciting?


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