Thursday, September 23, 2004

Cable Catastrophe

Well, as I sit here eating Ramen noodles for dinner, we still do not have cable. Monday we order Comcast cable. They had a promotion that we just couldn't pass up: for $50/month (for the first 6 months) we'd get digital cable with all the HBO and Starz channels AND cable modem! We figured we couldn't pass it up. So, on Wednesday, both Rob's and mine day off, we waited for the cable guy to come by (between 9 and 1, of course). He showed up around 11:30, spent around three hours, and still no cable. He could not get a signal. He said that he'd have to have another tech come by the next day. So, we let them know that somebody (Rob) will be home the next day after 4:30. Rob's home, waits, calls Comcast b/c no one's showed up, the Customer Service people he said were very nice though, and apologized that we didn't get a call telling us that no tech would be coming out today. Turns out our building was apparrently wired by monkeys (probably blind monkeys) and that they need to get in touch with building management to re-wire. Oy! So, we wait..

In the meantime, I'm nursing a numb finger. Went to a manager's meeting all the way in Troy today, and picked up some paper for our digital printer. Well, the bag was slightly heavy, and my hand was getting tired. I didn't adjust it any, because I was just walking to the car. Well, my fingers were getting numb. This was just after 2:30. Seven hours later, my middle finger on my right hand is still "asleep," not to mention a little purple. Oy.

I've finally been getting into the mood to write poetry again, but every time I get in front of my computer, I go blank. I have these great ideas floating around in my head, but as soon as the computer boots up -- nothing. Hopefully, my brain will get back into writing mode soon. The muse is floating around, and I want to write before she leaves!

Well, that's it for tonight. I'm going to finsih watching CSI. 'Nite.


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