Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The Craziness!!

Work has been insane! September is usually one of the slowest months in retail, and we have been swarming! Not that I mind. It's just been hectic. Mel (one of my full-timers) is on vacation (she'll be back tomorrow, though!) and I've been working crazy-long hours. Not to mention we had to re-do inventory Sunday (see my earlier archived post where I swore ALOT if you aren't already familiar with the inventory scenario). Inventory went fairly well, though. I was home before 11:00! Which is pretty impressive taking into account we took some time to celebrate Joel's Birthday (which was actually the next day, Monday the 13th) and had pizza and cake (see attached pictures). And on the audit on Monday, no major mix-ups or mishaps, so I'm happy. So, after several days in a row of working open to close, I am ready for about 12 hours of sleep! (Thank goodness Joel came in today around 3:00 to relieve me. I think I may have collapsed and fell asleep on the floor!) Even though I just finished a large coke slurpee, I'm ready to nod off here at the computer.... so much for trying to stay awake until Rob gets home from work.

On one of my upcoming days off Rob and I are hoping to see "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow." Rob has been eager to see this ever since he saw the first preview for it months ago. It's designed to look and feel like a late 1930's/early 1940's sci-fi flick. Should be fun. On one of those other days, my mother wants to go dress shopping with me. Admittedly, I'm confused by this. I can't actually imagine my mom excited about the wedding. But it seems that she is. She wants me to come over so we can go shopping. Kid you not. I think we'll just go over to David's Bridal and take a look. They're currently having their $99 sale. I'm not really looking to buy anything quite yet. I'd like to loose a few pounds first (but hey, in my current condition my mother can tell me how big my butt looks in certain dresses! Yay! She loves to do that. Ah, a critical mother. Now that's a stretch of the imagination!) Not to mention that I have to wait until I get my holiday bonus to even afford a dress. But, it'll give me a chance to look at bridesmaids dresses too.... hmmmmm, what hideous color shall I make you ladies wear? How about a baby pink frou-frou get-up with lace and a big bow? No???? Awwww. Spoil all my fun. Don't worry, don't worry, I'm not evil (this, I know, may be argued by some...) Besides, I can't pick a color that will clash with Rob's kilt! That, and I'm still seriously considering wearing red. Yes, the color RED. My wedding. My colors. :-P What, you're saying? I haven't actually asked anyone to be in my briday party yet. I know, I know. I'm trying to figure out who will actually be in Vegas, before I make any final decisions. That and since it'll be a small wedding, we might only go with a Maid of Honor and a Best Man. Rob and I haven't made any final decisions yet.

Well, I'm going to sign off for now and go take a nap on the couch until Rob comes home. It's been a looooong week and I'm fighting off a head cold. I had a miserable fever last night, and my head and ears ache. Rob says that a head cold is going around the U. Great. Just what I need. To be sick. :-P I should be able to fight it off with plenty of sleep, though (I hope).



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