Thursday, April 07, 2005


So, I've been trying to be productive and go through my closet and weed out what doesn't fit and what I won't wear anymore (regardless of whether it fits). And I've come to a sad realization: half my closet doesn't fit anymore!!! I keep gaining weight. Ugh. So, after the bird show, (Satuday, April 9th, at the Warren Community Center -- Come, buy lovebirds!! Lots and lots of beautiful lovebirds!!!) Rob and I will be starting the South Beach diet. All the weight has gone to my stomach (and up until I had gall bladder surgery in 2001, I had a lovely flat tummy!) and I can't stand it! Well, South Beach being a low carb diet (not like Atkins, which is no carb) and meant to be a smart way of eating for life kind-of-diet, I have chosen to go back to eating meat, at least through stages one and two of the diet. So, today as I write this, I am eating some turkey with cheese and triscuits to get my body used to eating meat again. Then next week Rob and I will be purging the apartment of all the foods we'll no longer be able to eat, so if anyone wants cereal, crackers, chocolate, let me know.


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