Sunday, August 28, 2005

I should be getting ready to for work

Yet, here I am, in front of the computer, reading people's blogs and seeing if anything good has popped up on slickdeals, Rob's and mine latest addiction.

And now for my morning whine: I don't waaaaaaannnna go to work!!!!!! But who does, really? Ok, it wouldn't be so bad if the stupid people weren't still out in full force. Some of them were back yesterday. Oh, goddess help me, I thought I was going to strangle them! Or tell them they're too stupid for their digital camera and they must forefit it. Immediately. At least, with today being a Sunday, it's a short day, and I only have to put up with them for 5 hours.

I guess I'll get my ass out of this chair, take my vitamins, get dressed, and plaster my smile on. :-D (you know it's my work smile, because underneath I'm gritting my teeth).

hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to Ritz I go, where the camera you want is not in stock, and the staff is cranky and underpaid, hi-ho, hi-ho


At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, it's our new corporate theme song!!!! o.O


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