Wednesday, November 30, 2005

When you're at the zoo....

As many of you know, Rob and I have ourselves a little zoo at our apartment: ferrets, birds, ratties. Well, now we've added to it. Where in the world are going to put more critters? God only knows. But we've squeezed them in. Now you're asking yourself, what did we get and why? Well, Rob and I were at PetCo picking up supplies and they had some abandoned critters up for adoption: guinea pigs, rabbits, gerbils. Long story short: we rescued three little black male gerbils and two male quinea pigs. I don't have pics of the gerbils, they're all black and my camera doesn't want to focus on them. :-P When I finally get pictures, I'll have Rob post them. He's thrilled to have the little guys. He's named them: Muad'dib, Duncan Idaho, and Gurney Halek (also known as "nibbley" because he likes to taste fingers that may wander into his cage). For those less nerdy people, these are all characters from Dune. (shhhhh! don't tell anyone that I haven't read it. They might take away my nerd status). The piggies are Montgomery and Mortimer. Monty is a little younger, more friendly, and very vocal (he also likes the way Rob's fingers taste).

Mortimer peeking out from underneath my sweater.

Montgomery striking a pose.

Now, I'm off to watch "Rudolph." Yes, I watch Christmas cartoons. Besides, I'm from the "Island of Misfit Toys." :-)


At 8:43 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

We watched Rudolph too. Paul came over and we had dinner and then watched the show. Did you notice Mrs. Claus having a bad arm day? Wow, that is so an old show. We love it.

At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

long live the island of misfit toys!!!

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Naarah said...

I miss the Island. *sniff* We need to get us all back together!


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