Thursday, November 03, 2005

Zippedy Do Dah

There's a blue bird on my shoulder...
Quite literally, actually. He doesn't have a name, yet. But he's really cool. He's a lineolated parakeet. No, I'm not making words or birds up. They're very neat little birds. I got him at the bird show. Now I know you're saying, Naarah, you're supposed to sell birds at the show, not buy them! Well, I didn't buy him, so :-P. I traded for him. We actually sold/traded all of the birds that we brought. Mom sold/traded about half of hers. And we were really the only people there actually moving lovebirds at all. And there were LOTS of lovebirds there. I guess the difference are my mom's are not only beautiful birds, they're nice. That really makes a difference.
So, back to the little lineolated fellow, here's some pics I took this morning (ok, so he's not so much on my shoulder in the pics, but here he is anyway):

Yesterday I had to sit through a very long, and very boring, and supposedly most very important manager's meeting. Sandie started it off rambling about how in Africa every day a gazelle wakes up and it must run faster than the slowest lion in order to survive; and every day in Africa a lion wakes up and it must run faster than the slowest gazelle in order to eat and thus survive. Which are we, lions or gazelles? I'm a mongoose. What? I can't be a mongoose? I have to be a lion or gazelle? Can I be a mongoose-lion? (and if you don't get this, you need to watch more Invader Zim!) Long, very long ass story short, we need to start our days running. Yes, I'd love to start my day running: running as fast as I can away from Ritz!!!


At 1:45 PM, Blogger Matt_Sweet said...

Oh, dear God how I hate motivational stories about lions and gazelles or whatever. In fact, I hate motivational stories, regardless of the genus of fauna that populates them.

It reminds me of this one time when I was at a particularly boring motivational presentation, and the speaker said, "Remember: You can't make footprints in the sands of time sitting down." One of my more cynical coworkers said, "No, but I can make buttprints, and my butt is bigger than my foot."

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I decided in the communication log at work that i wanted to be a baboon. omnivorous so you can eat the lion OR the gazelle, and when you get mad you can scream really loud and throw poo at people.

At 7:49 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm just "insubordinate", I don't think there is an animal that you can associate with me.. ok a jackel or something evil. (But really I'm not evil, at least the voice in my head says I'm not.)

At 10:42 AM, Blogger rabbit said...

You can be a meercat, the mongoose analog in Africa. And they look cute, too.
Perhaps Sandy doesn't know that more kills are made by hyenas than by lions. And Hyenas work very well in packs, too. I think we should all be hyenas instead. (If we have to be African animals)


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