Thursday, December 23, 2004

Holiday Woes

I am exhausted! It’s been a loooooong month. I am so glad that it’s almost over! I hate the lines, the grumpy customers, the angry drivers… ugh! It’s just too much! Not to mention even trying to park at the mall! Ella is in town from San Diego, and we got together on Monday and did a little shopping a bridesmaid dress browsing. Parking really, really, really sucked! It was nice to see Ella. I miss her. Both my best friends moving away this year!

I went over to Katie and Michael’s yesterday. For those of you who may not know, Katie and Michael are moving to Israel. They’re leaving Saturday morning. We bought Bozzi’s (their Amazon parrot) cage and playpen from them. They also gave use their spice racks and spices, a/c units, and all the VHS tapes in the world! Michael wanted to make sure that all his Star Trek collection would go to a good home. I do believe that Rob and I will make good use of it! J My family and I treated them to dinner; Katie and I drove to pickup Chinese food. We all ate on the floor off of paper plates… it was reminiscent of college dorm room days! I started crying when I said goodbye. I’m really going to miss them. I’ve known Katie for fifteen years. She really is family. Even though I haven’t seen her all the time, I’ve known that she was here; that she would be here when I needed her, and I here for her when she needed me. And now, they’ll be halfway across the world.

Then, on top of the Holiday stress, saying goodbye to my best friend and sister-at-heart, I found out today that my boy ferrets, Ryker and Chief, BOTH have to go in for surgery! Chief had been extra-lethargic lately. We made an appointment for him to go the vet, and took Ryker along too because he is aging, just like Chief (they’ll both be seven this spring). I had to work today, so Rob took Ryker and Chief into the vet. Ryker has a tumor near his adrenal gland and Chief has a tumor on his pancreas, and his blood sugar is low, so he has to be on steroid medication until his surgery. We’re going to schedule their surgery for after the holidays. Ryker’s tumor is big, but he’s not showing any other signs of adrenal cancer and is still active, so the vet is hopeful. Chief and Ryker are both older, so I’m worried about the surgeries. I’ve had these guys since they kits. This is so scary.

Everything has felt so sucky lately. I really need a break and some good stuff to happen. I’m glad I have Christmas off. I really need some time to sleep in and to relax.

Well, I’m off to go to bed now. I have to work tomorrow, but it being Christmas Eve, we’re closing early. I think going to bed early would be a good thing! It’s been a stress-filled week. I should be back to my usual self by January. Until then, I’d try to stay clear of me… I’m the epitome of grumpy girl.

Saturday, December 11, 2004


For those of you who may not be aware: our cell phones will now be open targets for telemarketers. Don't let them get you! Register your phone number with the National Do Not Call Registry. If I didn't know better, I'd say this is a ploy by the cell phone companies so that we pay more money for plans with more minutes because asshole telemarketers who can't get real jobs are eating all our time up.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Warning: Potentially Offensive Entry

So, here I am sitting at my computer, reading through some of my previous posts, when I realize that I the only time that I actually post is when I'm sick. Hmmmmm, this could possibly be because this is the only time that I am actually home. Possibly. I'm actually doing better. Stomach still queasy, but I'll spare you all the gruesome details. I think sleeping 15-16 hours overnight and then taking a nice long nap after being up for only a couple hours, certainly helps! I apparently slept through two phone calls (and the phone usually wakes me up, it's very loud and right next to my side of the bed) and a car accident at the entrance of our apartment complex (which our bedroom window faces). Rob said there were a couple of police cars, an ambulance, and a fire truck. That's impressive. Now, I've been up for a couple hours, at some vegetarian chicken soup, and watched Elf. Surprisingly cute little movie. I recommend it. May have even temporarily put me in the "Christmas Spirit." I say temporarily because come tomorrow when I am back at the store, working, listening to Christmas music, watching Christmas shoppers, I will become embittered once again. Ah yes, Naarah the Grinch arises. Why, you may wonder, am I so hardened towards this supposed season of joy? No, it's not PMS, there are enough little blue pills left! Let me spell it out for you: (In no particular order)

1) The bell ringers. Everywhere I go, people are asking for my donations. Including my store. So, now I am a horrible person, right? Bull. Everyone of you hate them too. Deep down you hate going to grocery store and being quilted in giving money. People need to eat all year round. Not just at Christmas. Don't you think kids would like presents on their birthday, not just at Christmas? I'm tired of being quilted into giving! I give all year round.

2) Christmas in July. Ok, it hasn't started that early, but almost. I've had to endure Christmas decorations and music since October! October, people! Christmas shouldn't start until Christmas! Argh! No wonder I'm sick of it by the time it actually comes around.

3) Winter Wonderland. Ok, so Christmas is supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus, right? Even though I'm Jewish, I know this much. So, did Jesus have snow in Israel? Really, aren't sand and palm trees more appropriate? Want to know how snow plays a part in all this? The pagans. We went and stole their Yule and turned it into Christmas. No more skulls on trees and welcoming winter, nope, instead there's stringing lights and celebrating the birth of Jesus, who by the way, was not born in December.

4) I don't know if I should be glad that Jewish decorations and Hanukkah songs have finally made their way into the holiday season, or ashamed that Jews have bought into the frivolity and merchandising of this time of year.

I'm sure I have more bitching to do, but I'm done for now. So, now I'll leave you with a couple of links:

On a serious note: Aerial hunting of wolves had been reinstated in Alaska. This a horrendous crime against a beautiful and noble creature. Please sign this
petition in hopes to stop this needless slaughter.

On a lighter note: Check out the
new display at Madame Tussauds in England. Needless to say, there's been some controversy over it. It gave me a giggle.

Thanks for popping by and reading my posts. Feel free to leave me feedback.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Sick... Aafuckingain

Ah, flu season. It's everywhere. Makes this time of year extra-special, doesn't it? It started in our store with Joel getting a stomach bug and me having to cover his shifts. :-P Three days open to close = immune system lowering itself due to high stress levels and Naarah getting sick... AGAIN! Ugh. I hate being sick, yet I always am. Apparently a lot of other Ritz employees have it too. Fun, fun, fun. Really could've used a flu shot this year. I feel like I've spent most of my life sick. Not even an hour old and the doctor's were giving me antibiotics because I was born with an ear infection. And it just snowballed from there. Apparetnly low immune system, something about being born a month early. So, I deal and go on with life. Apparently, however, some people think I'm a hypocondriac. Maybe I should just go vomit on them and get them sick. I think that might change their mind. I'd write more, but my stomach will only give me short breaks. So, I'm off to bathroom, again. If I'm up to it, I'll write more later. Otherwise, dear readers, rejoice that you're not in my current shoes.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck!

well this thing fucking sucks! i just spent a good half hour leaving all witha nice lengthy entry letting you all know where I've been for the past two weeks, and when I went to spell check, it erased it all. I give up.