Friday, December 10, 2004

Warning: Potentially Offensive Entry

So, here I am sitting at my computer, reading through some of my previous posts, when I realize that I the only time that I actually post is when I'm sick. Hmmmmm, this could possibly be because this is the only time that I am actually home. Possibly. I'm actually doing better. Stomach still queasy, but I'll spare you all the gruesome details. I think sleeping 15-16 hours overnight and then taking a nice long nap after being up for only a couple hours, certainly helps! I apparently slept through two phone calls (and the phone usually wakes me up, it's very loud and right next to my side of the bed) and a car accident at the entrance of our apartment complex (which our bedroom window faces). Rob said there were a couple of police cars, an ambulance, and a fire truck. That's impressive. Now, I've been up for a couple hours, at some vegetarian chicken soup, and watched Elf. Surprisingly cute little movie. I recommend it. May have even temporarily put me in the "Christmas Spirit." I say temporarily because come tomorrow when I am back at the store, working, listening to Christmas music, watching Christmas shoppers, I will become embittered once again. Ah yes, Naarah the Grinch arises. Why, you may wonder, am I so hardened towards this supposed season of joy? No, it's not PMS, there are enough little blue pills left! Let me spell it out for you: (In no particular order)

1) The bell ringers. Everywhere I go, people are asking for my donations. Including my store. So, now I am a horrible person, right? Bull. Everyone of you hate them too. Deep down you hate going to grocery store and being quilted in giving money. People need to eat all year round. Not just at Christmas. Don't you think kids would like presents on their birthday, not just at Christmas? I'm tired of being quilted into giving! I give all year round.

2) Christmas in July. Ok, it hasn't started that early, but almost. I've had to endure Christmas decorations and music since October! October, people! Christmas shouldn't start until Christmas! Argh! No wonder I'm sick of it by the time it actually comes around.

3) Winter Wonderland. Ok, so Christmas is supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus, right? Even though I'm Jewish, I know this much. So, did Jesus have snow in Israel? Really, aren't sand and palm trees more appropriate? Want to know how snow plays a part in all this? The pagans. We went and stole their Yule and turned it into Christmas. No more skulls on trees and welcoming winter, nope, instead there's stringing lights and celebrating the birth of Jesus, who by the way, was not born in December.

4) I don't know if I should be glad that Jewish decorations and Hanukkah songs have finally made their way into the holiday season, or ashamed that Jews have bought into the frivolity and merchandising of this time of year.

I'm sure I have more bitching to do, but I'm done for now. So, now I'll leave you with a couple of links:

On a serious note: Aerial hunting of wolves had been reinstated in Alaska. This a horrendous crime against a beautiful and noble creature. Please sign this
petition in hopes to stop this needless slaughter.

On a lighter note: Check out the
new display at Madame Tussauds in England. Needless to say, there's been some controversy over it. It gave me a giggle.

Thanks for popping by and reading my posts. Feel free to leave me feedback.


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