Sunday, January 30, 2005

OMG! It's a CLEAN Apartment!

That's right folks, the apartment is clean. For now, anyway. Seriously, I'd hardly recognize it if it weren't for the sqwakatiels (cockatiels)! Other than Rob and I needed to clean and organize, we played host today to some friends for a game night. Unfortunately, Jennifer had to work, and Carrie had to leave early for dinner with her family for her mom's birthday. Tammy and Tom just left not long ago. We played a few rounds of The Simpson's Clue. It was entertaining and fun. Now Rob and I are left with lots of snacky foods! Mmmmmm, sugary and salty goodness.

Watch for updates on the Marry Me at Twelve contest. Rob and I entered and are among the lucky top ten! I'm soooo geeked. I'll know Friday if we actually won. Which, if we do win, the wedding will be on February 13, 2005. That's right, folks, that's two weeks away. So, if you get a call from me on Friday and I am so hyped and giddy that you can barely understand me, just know that I won and you're invited to the wedding (so, out-of-towners, this means you'll need to find airline tickets and get your butts over here pronto!) There are no guarantees, and there are still nine people for us beat, I'm am nonetheless super geeked to know that we made it to the top ten (yes, I am that talented a writer!).

Well, that's it for now. I'm actually really tired. I ought to go to bed early, but I'll probably stay up and watch Pompeii on TDC.


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Naarah said...

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At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best of Luck to you and Rob. I read that the final 3 will compete on 100.3-Let us know if you make it so we can tune in.

Frank and Jamie


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