Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Bend over and prepare to get fucked!

So, today was a manager's meeting. Here's how it went:

Al, the store manager of Michigan's only ultra store is moving. Clarence, the manager of the Laurel Park store is taking over his store. Oh? Really? Then who is taking Laurel Park? Dominique. What? What the Fuck? Excuse me mother-fucker? That's right folks, you heard it, just hours after I heard it for the first time. Our delightful DM did not bother to tell any of us that 1) the biggest mother-fucking Ritz in the state has an opening for a manager and that 2) a high-traffic mall store has an opening for a manager. No, her current managers were not given the option to bid on a bigger, better store. No, she made her choice like an elitist country club and fucked us over.


At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT?!? Who the HELL is taking 142 then??? *dies* i LIKE working for Dominique! *bangs head on desk*

At least she's pissed as hell at me so i don't need to worry about getting asked. ;P Bwahaha!

At 8:22 AM, Blogger Matt_Sweet said...

Wow... that really sucks.

At 11:34 AM, Blogger Naarah said...

Wow Mel. You don't know who your manager is going to be? Well, isn't that just grand! Life's a big fucking kick in the pants sometimes, isn't it? Ugh. I think we need voo-doo dolls or something. And maybe a big bonfire to throw them into! Joel says there's a tropical depression headed for Mexico (where Sandie is vacationing)... so we can a storm dance and hope for the best! bwahahahahaha

At 11:15 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmm, that really sucks...
I get the feeling that they won't give you Plymouth road again.. That is 142, right?
We'll see what happens when Sandie gets back in two weeks.


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