Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday, Bleh!

This past week has just been one big fat reminder as to why I hated managing for Ritz Camera in the first place. I got a "bonus" for reaching store goals last month, but you'd never know it by looking at my check. You see, they pay us such crap that they had to set up a "guaranteed rate" for all managers. This only affects managers who make below a certain amount. Me, being in one of Ritz's shit stores (we're like the black foster child -- nobody wants us, nobody gives a fuck about us. I know that is sooooooo not politically correct. But we are way beyond being the red-headed stepchild!), I make below this amount. So, they add money to each paycheck to guarantee that I'm at their "minimum." The problem with this is that this money is a loan. Yup. So, when I make a bonus, like I did for May, I have to pay Ritz back. So, my bonus goes bye-bye. If they have to keep "loaning" me money, then at the end of the year, they'll just take it all back out of my Christmas bonus. Mother-fuckers. I think that they want to guarantee our rates is great (but in my opinion, it should be a hell of a lot more than it is!). But don't rape my bonuses! How fucking hard is it to pay us what we're worth?!? Hell, half of what we're worth. It's still more than you're paying us! This is one reason I'm livid about the Laurel Park store. I'd be making enough there that this rapage of my paychecks wouldn't happen. Our pay is partially based on our sales (commissions) and the money the store brings in. Laurel Park is a high-traffic store that has more product than my store! I'd be making more money! I wouldn't have to drive around with no air conditioning in my car because I can't afford $200 to fix it! Want to know what to give me for my birthday? Money. I need to fix my car. Feh. And now I have to go and get dressed and drag my miserable ass to my miserable job.


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