Saturday, August 28, 2004

Back to "Normal"

Well, life is back to normal, or as normal as it gets around here. I survived the suits (District and Regional managers) coming in yesterday. I'm not as openly pissed off about inventory getting fucked up -- though we still have to re-do it on Sept. 12. Wednesday Rob and I had the day off. We spent it doing laundry, cleaning the apartment, and then we met Rob's mom and grandma for dinner at Macaroni Grill. The apartment is so clean now! Wow! Well, ok, it being a few days later, there's bird seeds all over, but that can just be vacuumed up. Today Rob and I also have the day off. We were planning to go to the renaissance Faire with Tammy and Tom today, but we're foregoing that because of the rain. Looks like a movie is on the table now. Tom wants to see Alien vs. Predator and Tammy, Rob, and I want to see Hero. Right now Rob is watching a cartoon called Kenny the Shark. All I'm going to say is: a little a girl with a talking pet shark.... Ummmmm, yeah, ok, uh-huh, whatever. Rob wants you all to know that it was either Kenny or Pokemon. Admittedly, not much of a choice, but Oy vey. It's like a train wreck... it's horrendous, but you can't stop watching. Oh god, help me! I'm going to sign off now and go read for a bit. It's still too early to think clearly.


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