Monday, October 09, 2006

The kitty arrives!

So, yesterday morning I picked up our new family member from the adoption people. :) I had to work that day, so the little guy came with me. He was great! He followed me around like a shadow and kept getting underfoot and I kept tripping over him. Thus, we are pretty sure his name is Trip. He was all content until I had to print pictures and the air compressor went on. Then he got scared and hid between some boxes in the back. As long as I knew where he was, I was ok with it. Then it was time to go back in the carrier and on the way home. He kept pawing at me through the bars, so I put my fingers through the bars and he started purring. :) Then we got home, and I think it was sensory overload. First he was taken to the adoption place at PetCo where there were lots of people and cars, and then to my work with scary machines, and now home. He decided the best thing to do was go under the couch and go to sleep. I only dug him out once to make sure he knew where the litter boxes and food were. Then he came out once to take a drink out of my glass of ice water. LOL Silly kitty. This morning I found him hiding under the couch still. I decided I should lessen the sensory overload a little. I moved his carrier with the fleece and his food and a couple toys to the bathroom. Then I put him in there. He's happier. I sat down with him and had a happy purring kitty in my lap and then up against my legs mewing up at me while I was putting on my makeup. I think we'll keep in the bathroom for a couple days. Yeah, it's small, but it won't overwhelm him. That, and I can double check and make sure any potentially bad kitty hiding spots are covered up (like, say, under the oven! I discovered this morning that there's a kitten sized gap under there!) My alleriges have been doing ok. I've broken out where I've gotten clawed, and I can't blame him. He didn't like being dragged out from his hiding place. Other than that, no wheezing, no sneezing! Yipee! I'm still going to use Allerpet on him, though. He has the softest fur! He is the softest cat I've ever felt! He's great! And I'm sorry but I don't have any pictures to put up yet b/c we were busy at work and the poor thing was exhausted from his long day. But don't worry, I'll take some photos. :)

Now, the question is, how do I tell my parents I have a cat? They hate cats. Oh, by the way mom and dad, watch your step, you're likely to find a cat underfoot?


At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i vote for just never letting the 'rents in the apartment? ;P

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I would have to agree.....


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